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The Characteristic Of Electrical

 The Characteristic Of Electrical

The characteristic electrical phenomenon or surge electrical phenomenon (usually written Z0) of a regular conductor is that the quantitative relation of the amplitudes of voltage and current of one wave propagating on the line; that's, a wave traveling in one direction within the absence of reflections within the different direction. or else, and equivalently, it is outlined because the input electrical phenomenon of a conductor once its length is infinite. Characteristic electrical phenomenon is decided by the pure mathematics and materials of the conductor and, for a regular line, isn't addicted to its length. The SI unit of characteristic electrical phenomenon is that the ohm.

Transmission line model

The characteristic electrical phenomenon omega is that the quantitative relation of the voltage and current of a pure curving wave of constant frequency traveling on the road. This relation is additionally the case for finite transmission lines till the wave reaches the top of the road. Generally, a wave is mirrored back on the road within the wrong way. once the mirrored wave reaches the supply, it's mirrored over again, adding to the transmitted wave and dynamic  the quantitative relation of the voltage and current at the input, inflicting the voltage-current quantitative relation to now not equal the characteristic electrical phenomenon. This new quantitative relation as well as the mirrored energy is named the input electrical phenomenon.

The input electrical phenomenon of associate degree infinite line is capable the characteristic electrical phenomenon since the transmitted wave is rarely mirrored back from the top. Equivalently: The characteristic electrical phenomenon of a line is that electrical phenomenon that, once terminating associate degree absolute length of line at its output, produces associate degree input electrical phenomenon of equal worth. this is often thus as a result of there's no reflection on a line terminated in its own characteristic electrical phenomenon.

Surge electrical phenomenon loading

In power transmission, the characteristic electrical phenomenon of a conductor is expressed in terms of the surge electrical phenomenon loading (SIL), or natural loading, being the facility loading at that reactive power is neither created nor absorbed:

Loaded below its SIL, the voltage at the load are larger than the system voltage. Above it, the load voltage is depressed. The Ferranti impact describes the voltage gain towards the remote finish of a awfully gently loaded (or open ended) conductor. Underground cables usually have a awfully low characteristic electrical phenomenon, leading to associate degree SIL that's generally in far more than the thermal limit of the cable.

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