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What is the meaning of decimal fraction

 What is the meaning of decimal fraction :


A decimal fraction Is a fraction that is written in the form of a decimal. Decimals are used in many different ways, but the most common way to use decimals is to divide a number by 10. This is why decimal fractions are often called “percentage” fractions.

A decimal fraction is a fraction where the denominator is a power of ten. For example, 1/10 is a decimal fraction because 10 is a power of ten (10^1). Decimal fractions are also called decimal numbers or simply decimals.


Decimal fractions are used in many everyday situations. For example, when we measure something using the metric system, the units are often decimal fractions.

 For example, a person may be 1.75 metres tall (1 metre = 100 centimetres). When we buy things, the prices are often given as decimal fractions too. For example, a can of cola might cost $1.50 (1 dollar = 100 cents).


Decimal fractions are easy to work with once you understand how they work. In general, you just need to move the decimal point to the right or left to make the number bigger or smaller. For example, if we want to make 1/10 larger, we can move the decimal point one place


A decimal fraction is a number that has a decimal point in it. 

For example, 3.14 is a decimal fraction.


When we write a decimal fraction, we use a point to show where the decimal place is. The number to the left of the decimal point is called the whole number part, and the number to the right of the decimal point is called the decimal part.


For example, in the decimal fraction 3.14, the whole number part is 3 and the decimal part is 14.


The decimal point separates the whole number part from the decimal part. It is like a line that we can use to divide a number into two parts.


The whole number part is everything to the left of the decimal point, and the decimal part is everything to the right of the decimal point.

Decimals are numbers that are represented with a decimal point. A decimal point separates the whole number part of a decimal from the fractional part. The fractional part is everything to the right of the decimal point.


For example, the number 3.14 is a decimal. The 3 is the whole number part and the 14 is the fractional part. The fractional part is made up of the numbers 1 and 4.


The number 0.5 is another example of a decimal. The 0 is the whole number part and the 5 is the fractional part. The fractional part is just the number 5.


You can write decimals as fractions. For example, the decimal 3.14 can be written as the fraction 314/100. The decimal 0.5 can be written as the fraction ½.


A decimal fraction is a fraction where the denominator (bottom number) is a power of 10. The decimal point moves to the right with each increase in the power of 10.


For example, the decimal fraction 1/10 can be written as 0.1. The decimal point is moved one place to the right because the denominator is 10 (10 = 10^1).


The decimal fraction 1/100 can be written as 0.01. The decimal point is moved two places to the right because the denominator is 100 (100 = 10^2).


The decimal fraction 1/1000 can be written as 0.001. The decimal point is moved three places to the right because the denominator is 1000 (1000 = 10^3).


To convert a decimal fraction to a regular fraction, count the number of decimal places. This is the power of 10 that will be the denominator. The numerator will be the number with the decimal point removed.

Assuming you would like a blog discussing decimal fractions and related aptitude questions:


Decimal fractions represent a part of a whole number, where the whole number is equal to 1. They are written using a decimal point followed by a number, which represents a fraction of the whole number. For example, the decimal fraction 0.5 represents a number that is half of the whole number 1.


Aptitude questions related to decimal fractions often ask you to convert a decimal fraction to a percentage or vice versa. To convert a decimal fraction to a percentage, simply multiply it by 100. For example, the decimal fraction 0.5 can be converted to a percentage by multiplying it by 100, which results in the percentage 50%.


To convert a percentage to a decimal fraction, divide it by 100. For example, the percentage 50% can be converted to a decimal fraction by dividing it by 100, which results in the decimal fraction 0.5.

What is 0.03 + 0.09?


In order to answer this question, we need to understand what each digit in the decimal represents. In this case, the 3 in 0.03 represents 3 tenths, and the 9 in 0.09 represents 9 hundredths. To find the sum of these two numbers, we need to add the 3 tenths and 9 hundredths together, which gives us a total of 12 hundredths. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is 0.12.


Now let's try another example:


What is 0.47 - 0.19?


Again, we need to start

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