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Principles of Harmony

Principles of Harmony ( Part-2)

Truthfulness Truthfulness may refer to:

 • Honesty - a moral character of a human being, related to telling the truth

 • Accuracy - the propensity of information to be correct 

• Strategyproofness - a property of a mechanism in game-theory, related to encouraging the participants to act according to their true preferences. See also: 

• Truth - a concept most often used to mean in accord with fact or reality. 

• Truthiness - a quality characterizing a "truth" that a person making an argument or assertion claims to know intuitively.

 • Truthlikeness - a philosophical concept that distinguishes between the relative and apparent truth and falsity of assertions and hypotheses. Difference Between Custom and Tradition Main Difference – Custom vs Tradition Every society, community and family have traditions and customs that are common to them. Though these two words, traditions, and customs are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between custom and tradition. 

The main difference between custom and tradition lies in the length of time associated with them. A custom is a commonly accepted manner of behaving or doing something in a particular society, place or time. A tradition is the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation.

 What is a Tradition A tradition is a way of behaving, thinking or doing something that has been followed by people in a particular community, society, family, etc. for a long time. A tradition can be an idea, belief that is passed down from one generation to another. It can be common to a certain religion, culture or even a family. For example, members of a certain family can have a party on a certain day of the year. If this practice is followed for many years by several generations, this can turn to a family tradition. 


While following traditions are not obligatory, many people follow traditions as it is the way of life that they have been taught from childhood. However, it is always better to follow a tradition after knowing the origins and the reason behind that tradition. Since traditions are not strict rules and regulations, it is always possible to change certain aspects of a tradition. In fact, most of the traditions we follow today are variations of an original tradition; over the time, people have added and omitted certain aspects of a tradition. For example, if we look at the history of the Christmas traditions, Christmas trees were traditionally decorated with edibles like apples and nuts; it was in the 18th century that it began to be illuminated by candles. Today Christmas trees are decorated with electric lights and various ornaments.

What is a Custom A custom is a usage or practice common to many or a particular place or group of people. It is the commonly accepted way of behaving or doing something in a particular society, place or time. Each culture, society and religion have their customs. For example, in some countries bowing is a way of showing respect and gratitude.



 Just like traditions, a custom can start in a family; a certain gesture, behavior or act becomes a custom when it is constantly practiced. When a custom is followed for many years and passed down to younger generations, it becomes a tradition. 

Difference Between Custom and Tradition Definition Custom is a usage or practice common to many or a particular place or group of people. Tradition is the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation or the fact of being passed on in this way. Length of time Custom can be a new practice.

 Tradition is always a custom that has been passed down for years. Connection Custom, if passed down for generations, can become a tradition Tradition is a custom that have been transmitted through generations. What is Value Education? Value Education is a stimulated process through which we impart value-based education.

 The idea is about the educational procedure that ingrains moral guidelines to make progressively polite and majority rule social orders. Values education along these lines advances resilience and comprehension well beyond our political, social, and strict contrasts, putting extraordinary accentuation on the barrier of human rights, the insurance of ethnic minorities and the most helpless gatherings, and the preservation of nature. 

The objective is that kids in the future add to society through great citizenship and morals. Moral education and character education, morals, and theory-based training have endeavored to do comparable things. Such education should assume a significant job in making an understudy socially capable, socially rich, just and firm.

 Importance of Value Education Value education shall always play a very crucial role in the development of the child and our society as our values are moral guides.

 There shall always be more emphasis on the value of knowledge as it helps in molding and developing in the personality of an individual and has below-mentioned importance: 

• Assimilating this value through education will invigorate an individual’s physical, mental, enthusiastic prosperity. 

• Value education helps in the most extreme advancement of a youngster’s character, perspectives, propensity, development, and so forth. Types of Values Values education along these lines advances resilience and comprehension well beyond our political, social and strict contrasts, putting extraordinary accentuation on the barrier of human rights, the insurance of ethnic minorities and the most helpless gatherings, and the preservation of nature and could be further classified into two types: 

• Terminal Values: The term refers to those values which are most desired by human beings and are of utmost importance to the self and are long term goals like happiness, harmonious excellence, etc. 

• Instrumental Values: The term refers to that value which is acceptable modes of conducting and are means of achieving the terminal values and includes traits like sincerity, honesty, personal ethics among others. Need for Value Education Value-based education is fundamental to build up an individual and help him/her deep-rooted from multiple points of view: 1. It provides positive guidance to the understudies to shape their future and even causes them to know the motivation behind their life. 2. It shows them the most ideal approach to life that can be helpful to people just like the individuals around them. 3. Value education additionally encourages the understudies to turn out to be increasingly mindful and reasonable. 4. It encourages them to comprehend the viewpoint of life in a superior manner and have an effective existence as a capable resident. 5. It likewise encourages understudies to build up a solid relationship with loved ones. 6. It builds up the character and character of the understudies. 7. Value education builds up a positive perspective on life in the understudy’s brain. What are the fundamental duties of the citizen? Article 51(A) says it shall be the duty of every citizen of India: “(a) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem; (b) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom; (c) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India; (d) to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so; (e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women; (f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture; (g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures; (h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform; (i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence; (j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement; (k) who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six and fourteen years.” Value education helps in fulfilling one's aspirations Character oriented education that instils basic values and ethnic values in one’s psyche is called ‘Value Based Education’. The subject that enables us to understand ‘what is valuable’ for human happiness is called value education. Value education is important to help everyone in improving the value system that he/she holds and puts it to use. Once, one has understood his/ her values in life he/she can examine and control the various choices he/she makes in his/ her life. Value education enables us to understand our needs and visualize our goals correctly and also helps to remove our confusions and contradictions and bring harmony at all levels. It also helps remove our confusions and contradictions and enables us to rightly utilize the technological innovations. Values form the basis for all our thoughts, behaviours and actions. Once we know what is valuable to us, these values becomes the basis, the anchor for our actions. We also need to understand the universality of various human values, because only then we can have a definite and common program for value education. Then only we can be assured of a happy and harmonious human society. Basic guidelines for value education The subject that enables us to understand ‘what is valuable’ for human happiness is called value education. In order to qualify for any course on value education, the following guidelines for the content of the course are important:  

.Universal: It needs to be applicable to all the human beings irrespective of cast, creed, nationalities, religion, etc., for all times and regions.

 • Rational: It has to appeal to human reasoning. It has to be amenable to reasoning and not based on dogmas or blind beliefs. 

• Natural and verifiable: It has to be naturally acceptable to the human being who goes through the course and when we live on the basis of such values it leads to our happiness. It needs to be experientially verifiable, and not based on dogmas, beliefs or assumptions.

 • All encompassing: Value education is aimed at transforming our consciousness and living. Hence, it needs to cover all the dimensions (thought, behaviour, work and realization) and levels (individual, family, society, nature and existence) of human life and profession.

 • Leading to harmony: The value education ultimately is targeted to promote harmony within the individual, among human beings and with nature.