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Divisibility Formula

 Divisibility Formula  


Divisibility Formula is easy to find the factors of Larger Numbers. The Formula of Divisibility also called as Divisibility test. 

With divisibility formula we find the given number is divisible by another number, we perform actual division and see whether the remainder is zero or not. 
We will easy recall how to apply the formula for divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 . 

But divisibility formula  given for number by any of the number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 can be perform simply by examining the digits of the given number.



A number in divisible by 2 when the last number will be 0 , 2 ,4 ,6 or 8 .

For an example:- 
  520, 652, 656, 958 , 754 

All number's are divisible by 2 because of the ending is 0 , 2 , 6, 8 ,4 


IF any number's digits sum will be divisible by 3 then the number will be divisible by 3 . 

For an example:-

  363 , 126 , 522 , 858

All number's are divisible by 3 because of the number's digits sum are divisible by 3 . 

363 = 3+6+3 = 12 (Divisible by 3)
126 = 1+2+6 = 9 (Divisible by 3)
522 = 5+2+2 = 9 (Divisible by 3)
858 = 8+5+8 =21 (Divisible by 3)


IF the last two digit will be divisible by 4 of the number then the total amount will be divisible by 4 . 

For an example:-

526472 , 4512 , 56432 

All number's are divisible by 4 because of the last digit are divisible by 4. 

526472 last 2 digit is = 72 ➗ 4 =18 (for this the total number divisible by 4)
4512 last 2 digit is = 12 ➗ 4 =3  (for this the total number divisible by 4)
56432 last 2 digit is = 32➗ 4 = 8 (for this the total number divisible by 4)


IF the last digit of the number will be 0 or 5 then the number will be divisible by 5.

For an example:-

5265 ,6520 , 45865 , 154860 

All the number are divisible by 5 because of the last digit of the number is 0 and 5 . 


When the number will be divisible with the 2 and 3 both then the number will be divisible by 6 . 

For an example:-


It is divisible by 6 because the number end is 8 for this divisible by 2 and the total of the digits , 8+5+2+4+8 = 27➗3 =9 (that is divisible by 3)


when in any number last 3 digit will be divisible by 8 and the last 3digit will be formed by the last 3 digit. 

For an example:-


It is divisible by 8 because the last 3 number is 128 that divisible by 8 that cause that total number 65128 will be divisible .


If the total digits sum  of the number divisible by 9 then the number will be divisible 9 . 

For an example:-

6516432  ,42534 , 94275

All number's are divisible by 9 because of the number's digits sum are divisible by 9 .

6516432 = 6+5+1+6+3+2 =27(Divisible by 9)
42534 = 4+2+5+3+4 =18(Divisible by 9)
94275 = 9+4+2+7+5 = 27(Divisible by 9)


If the end digit of the number is 0 then the total number will be divisible by 10.

For an example:-

6520 , 257860 , 654790

All the number will be divisible by 10 because that in every end digit have 0 digit . 

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