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Unitary Method

                                                               UNITARY METHODS

Important information:- There are some question on UNITARY METHODS 
### Unitary method is a fundamental tool to solve arithmetic problems based on variation in quantities. The method endorses a simple technique to find the amount related to unit quantity. This method can be applied in questions based on time and work, speed and distance, work and wages etc.

Table of Contain:-  

## If cost of 12 pens is  84, then what is the cost of 10 such pens?

## If 45 m of a uniform rod weighs 171 kg, then what will be the weight of 12 m of the same rod?

## 22 men can complete a job in 16 days. In how many days, will 32 men complete that job?

## A tree is 12 m tall and casts an 8 m long shadow. At the same time, a flag pole casts a 100 m long shadow. How long is the flag pole? 

## 2000 soldiers in a fort had enough food for 20 days. But some soldiers were transferred to another fort and the food lasted for 25 days. How many soldiers were transferred?

 1. If cost of 24 oranges is 72, then find out the cost of 120 oranges. 

   (a) 180 

   (b)  360

   (c)  172 

   (d)  500 

   (e) None of the above

Answer :- (b)  360

 2. If cost of 12 pens is  84, then what is the cost of 10 such pens?

 (a)  90

 (b) 72

 (c)  65

 (d)  70

 (e) None of the above 

Answer :-  (d)  70

3.If cost of 15 eggs is  75, then find out the cost of 4 dozens eggs.  

  (a)  240 

  (b)  300

  (c)  150

  (d)  185

  (e) None of the above

Answer :-  (a)  240

4. If 16 dozens bananas cost  360, then how many bananas can be bought in 60?

 (a) 16 bananas

 (b) 48 bananas

 (c) 32 bananas 

 (d) 50 bananas 

 (e) None of the above 

Answer :-  (c) 32 bananas 

5. A worker makes a toy in every 2 h. If he works for 80 h, then how many toys will he make? 

  (a) 40 

  (b) 54

  (c) 45

 (d) 39 

 (e) None of the above

Answer :- (a) 40 

   6. 12 men can do a piece of work in 24 days. How many days are needed to complete the work,                                if   8 men are engaged in the same work? 

   (a) 28

   (b) 36

   (c) 48 

   (d) 52

   (e) None of the above

Answer :-   (b) 36

 7. If 45 m of a uniform rod weighs 171 kg, then what will be the weight of 12 m of the same rod? 

  (a) 49 kg 

  (b) 42.5 kg

  (c) 55 kg 

  (d) 45.6 kg

  (e) None of the above

Answer :- (d) 45.6 kg

 8. In a garrison, there was food for 1000 soldiers for one month. After 10 days, 1000 more soldiers joined the garrison. How long would the soldiers be able to carry on with the remaining food? 

 (a) 25 days 

 (b) 20 days 

 (c) 15 days 

 (d) 10 days 

 (e) None of the above

Answer :-(d) 10 days  

 9. A garrison is provided with ration for 72 soldiers to last for 54 days. Find how long would the same amount of food last for 90 soldiers, if the individual ration is reduced by 10%? 

 (a) 48 days

 (b) 72 days

 (c) 54 days

 (d) 126 days

  (e) None of the above

Answer :-(a) 48 days 

 10. Shantanu completes 5/8 of a job in 20 days. At this rate, how many more days will he take to finish the job?

 (a) 6 days

 (b) 18 days 

 (c) 5 days

 (d) 12 days

 (e) None of the above

Answer :-  (d) 12 days

 11.20 men can build 56 m long wall in 6 days. What length of a similar wall can be built by 70 men in 3 days? 

 (a) 100 m

 (b) 98 m 

 (c) 48 m 

 (d) 85 m

 (e) None of the above 

Answer :-  (b) 98 m 

12. 22 men can complete a job in 16 days. In how many days, will 32 men complete that job? 

  (a) 14 

  (b) 12

  (c) 16

  (d) 9

  (e) None of the above

Answer :- (b) 12

 13. If 30 men working 9 h per day can reap a field in 16 days, in how many days, will 36 men reap the field working 8 h per day?

   (a) 15

   (b) 25 

   (c) 18

   (d) 10 

   (e) None of the above 

Answer :-  (a) 15

14. In a race, Ravi covers 5 km in 20 min. How much distance will he cover in 100 min? 

  (a) 40 km 

  (b) 35 km 

  (b) 26 km 

  (d) 25 km

  (e) None of the above

Answer :-  (d) 25 km

15. A garrison of 1000 men had provisions for 48 days. However, a reinforcement of 600 men arrived. How long will now food last for?

  (a) 35 days

  (b) 30 days

  (c) 25 days

  (d) 45 days

  (e) None of the above

Answer :-  (b) 30 days

16. A tree is 12 m tall and casts an 8 m long shadow. At the same time, a flag pole casts a 100 m long shadow. How long is the flag pole?

 (a) 150 m

 (b) 200 m

 (c) 125 m

 (d) 115 m

 (e) None of the above 

Answer :-  (a) 150 m

17. If 12 persons working 16 h per day earn  33600 per week, then how much will 18 persons earn working 12 h per day?

  (a)  40000

  (b)  35000 

  (c)  28800 

  (d)  37800 

  (e) None of the above 

Answer :- (d)  37800 /-

18. If 10 spiders can catch 10 flies in 10 min, then how many flies can 200 spiders catch in 200 min? 

 (a) 2000 

 (b) 5000 

 (c) 4000

 (d) 3000 

 (e) None of the above

Answer :-  (c) 4000/-

19. 2000 soldiers in a fort had enough food for 20 days. But some soldiers were transferred to another fort and the food lasted for 25 days. How many soldiers were transferred?   

  (a) 400 

  (b) 450

  (c) 525

  (d) 500

  (e) None of the above

Answer :- (a) 400/- 

 20. If in a hostel, food is available for 45 days for 50 students. For how many days will this food be sufficient for 75 students? 

  (a) 25 days

  (b) 28 days 

   (c) 30 days 

   (d) 40 days 

   (e) None of the above

Answer :- (c) 30 days 


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