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Profit and loss In Mathematic


Profit and loss in mathematics

In mathematics, the price of a product on the market and an organization’s profitability are determined using the profit and loss formula. For every good, there is a selling price and a cost price. Based on the values of these prices, we can determine the profit or loss for a certain product. 

This article's main topics(Profit and loss in mathematics) include cost price, fixed, variable, and semi-variable costs, selling price, marked price, list price, margin, etc.Here, we also learn about the formula for profit and loss percentages. For instance, if a dealer’s selling price is higher than the product’s cost price, they are making a profit; if the cost price is higher than the selling price, they are losing money. 

Formula of  Profit and loss 

👉 C.P. = Cost Price (Purchasing Price + Repairing/ Maintenance Cost, {if any})

👉 S.P =  Selling Price


Successive Profits :- If A sells an article to B at a% profit and B sells it to C at b% profit OR If a% and b% are two successive profits 

👉 Then , Total Profit% = {a +b+(ab/100)}%

✅ If A sells an article to B at a% profit and B sells it to C at b% profit and if C paid x .

👉 Then , The amount paid by A = X ✖{100/(100+a)}{100/(100+b)}

Successive losses :-: If a% and b% are two successive losses  (negative sign shows loss and positive sign shows profit). 

👉 Then , Total loss% ={ -a -b+(ab/100)}%

If a% profit and b% loss occur, simultaneously . 

👉 Then , overall loss or profit% is = {a -b-(ab/100)}% 

✔NOTE :- (-ve sign for loss, +ve sign for profit)

☑  If a% loss and b% profit occur .

👉 Then , overall loss or profit% is = { -a +b-(ab/100)}% 

Example :-

1. Rahul sell a Fan to Rahim with 10% profit and Rahim sell the Fan to Raju with 5% profit calculate the total profit ?
(a) 14.5% (b) 15.5 % (c) 16.5% (d) 17.5%
Answer :- (b) 15.5 % [Formula:- {a +b+(ab/100)}%]
2. Raj sell a  Bag to Nabita with 12% profit  and Nabita sell the Bag to Riju with 10% profit . calculate the total profit ?
(a) 21.2% (b) 22.2% (c) 23.2% (d) 24.2%
Answer :- (c) 23.2% [Formula :- {a +b+(ab/100)}%]
3. Rita sell a  watch  to Rubi with 5% profit and Rubi sell the watch to Puja with 7% profit and right now 220 . What amount paid by Rita for buy ?
(a)195.82 (b)200 (c)193.80 (d)202
Answer :-(a)195.82 [Formula :-X ✖{100/(100+a)}{100/(100+b)}]

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