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Human Values

                                        Human Values

                          What are Values, Morals, and Ethics?
Human Values

Table of Contain:-   

 # Q.  What are Values ?

 # Q. What are Morals?  

Human Value: 1. Right conduct                              2. Peace                                             3. Truth                                        4. Love                                            5. Co-operation                                  6. Honesty                                7. Trust                                            8. Non-violence                                 9. Wisdom 

Professional Values:   1. Integrity            2. Loyalty             3. Passion           4. Commitment 

                                     5. Valuing Time    6. Attitude            7. Credibility & Responsibility 

Q.  What are Values?

  According to the dictionary,
values are “things that have an intrinsic worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor,” or “principles, standards, or qualities considered worthwhile or desirable.”

 However, it is important to note that, although we may tend to think of a value as something good, virtually all values are morally relative – neutral, really – until they are qualified by asking, “How is it good?” or “Good to whom?” The “good” can sometimes be just a matter of opinion or taste, or driven by culture, religion, habit, circumstance, or environment, etc.

 Again, almost all values are relative. The exception, of course, is the value of life. Life is a universal, objective value. We might take this point for granted, but we all have the life value, or we would not be alive. Life is also a dual value – we value our own life and the lives of others.

  Q. What are Morals?  

Moral values are relative values that protect life and are respectful of the dual life value of self and others. The great moral values, such as truth, freedom, charity, etc., have one thing in common. When they are functioning correctly, they are life protecting or life enhancing for all. But they are still relative values. 

Our relative moral values must be constantly examined to make sure that they are always performing their life-protecting mission. Even the Marine Corps core values of “honor, courage and commitment” require examination in this context. 

 Q. What is Ethics?

 A person who knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses right is moral. A person whose morality is reflected in his willingness to do the right thing – even if it is hard or dangerous – is ethical. Ethics are moral values in action.

 Being ethical id an imperative because morality protects life and is respectful of others – all others. It is a lifestyle that is consistent with mankind’s universal values as articulated by the American Founding Fathers – human equality and the inalienable right to life.

 As warriors it is our duty to be protectors and defenders of the life value and to perform the unique and difficult mission of taking the lives of those acting immorally (against life) when necessary to protect the lives of innocent others.

 Human Value: A human value is defined by our religious Leaders, Gurus and Saviors' teachings and practices, need and judgment of fulfilling individuals need in the society. Human values can be assured of a happy and harmonious human society. We cultivate and inculcate these values among the student and the staff through teaching, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. We as an academic institution believed that along with knowledge, wisdom is essential for sound growth of the society. In this regards, inculcation of human values among the budding citizens of the nation is very important. 

Hence, we are very much concerned to observe the following human values 

1. Right conduct                              2. Peace                                             3. Truth                                        4. Love                                            5. Co-operation                                  6. Honesty                                7. Trust                                            8. Non-violence                                 9. Wisdom 

1. Right Conduct:  a) Self- Help Skills: Care of possessions, diet, hygiene, modesty, posture, self                                               reliance, and tidy appearance.

                               b) Social Skills: Good behavior, good manners, good relationships, helpfulness, no                                       wastage and good environment.

                              c) Ethical Skills: Good conduct, courage, dependability, duty, efficiency, ingenuity,                                      initiative, perseverance, punctuality, resourcefulness, respect for all, and sense of                                      responsibility. 

2. Peace:   Attention, calmness, concentration, contentment, dignity, discipline, equality, equanimity,                        faithfulness, gratitude, happiness, harmony, humility, inner silence, optimism, patience,                            reflection, satisfaction, acceptance, control, self-esteem, tolerance, and understanding. 

3. Truth:    Accuracy, curiosity, fairness, fearlessness, honesty, integrity, intuition, justice, optimism,                        purity, quest for knowledge, reason, self-analysis, sincerity, synthesis, truthfulness, and                            determination. 

4. Love:  "Nothing is impossible for pure Love” says Mahatma Gandhiji. It has immense value.                               Acceptance, affection, care, compassion, consideration, dedication, devotion, forgiveness,                      friendship, generosity, gentleness, interdependence, kindness, patience, patriotism, reverence,                  sacrifice, selflessness, service, sharing, sympathy, tolerance and trust are the segments of love. 5. Co-operation: “Non-cooperation with evil is much a duty as is a cooperation with good” says                                            Mahatma Gandhiji. Co-operation is the process of working together to the same end.                                It is undeniably are of the most vital assets one can have when working through a                                    problem. Having the opinion and voice of another person will not only draw out a                                    discussion of the topic, but also lead to a well rounded solution. Co-operation has                                     been in its high importance and held high in regard.                                                       6. Honesty:    Today, the power of Gandhi's words still inspires us to change the world by changing                                ourselves. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”                              Honesty in the realm of human values is extremely important. The idea of staying true to                          oneself can often feel intimidating and impossible, but what most people felt to realize is                          that it is not the act of simply telling the truth that makes someone honest rather the                                  quality of person who is being honest. An honest man is often straight forward, upright,                            sincere and fair. 

7. Trust: Trust can be interpreted in many ways. But ultimately it comes down to reliability and truth.                    Without trust, the world simply would not function. We create documents, money and bullet                     proof glass because we have lost faith which is why the most important human values. Learn                   to trust and be trusted, is not an easy task, but it’s important is beyond measure. In short, one                   cannot serve in a world without trust. 

8. Non -Violence  a) Psychological: Benevolence, compassion, concern for others, consideration,                                             forgiveness, morality, loyalty and happiness.                                                                                           b) Social: Appreciation of other cultures and religions, brotherhood, care of                                                    environment, citizenship, equality, harmlessness, national awareness,                                                         perseverance, respect for property, and social justice. 

9. Wisdom: Wisdom is the most important human value in many ways. Its value is very important                              while  living the lives. Wisdom is often confused with the words like knowledge and                                intelligence. But wisdom is defined as the quality of having experience and good                                       judgment.  Wisdom becomes necessary when society gets cramp with knowledge. In the                        explosion of knowledge based society, wisdom becomes the necessity. 

Professional Values:   1. Integrity            2. Loyalty             3. Passion           4. Commitment 

                                     5. Valuing Time    6. Attitude            7. Credibility & Responsibility 

1. Integrity: Integrity is defined as the unity of thought, word and deed (honesty) and open mindedness.                       It includes the capacity to communicate the factual information so that others can make                           well-informed decisions. It yields the person's "Peace of mind, and hence adds strength                           and consistency in character, decisions, and actions. This paves way to one's success. It is                         one of the self-direction virtues. It enthuses people not only to execute a job well but to                           achieve excellence in performance. It helps them to own the responsibility and earn self-                         respect and recognition by doing the job. Integrity is the quality of being honest and                                 having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to                               uphold oneself to consistently moral and ethical standards. 

2. Loyalty: Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause. Philosophers                          disagree on what can be an object of loyalty as some argue that loyalty is strictly inter                              personal and only other human beings can be the object of loyalty. 

3. Passion: Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or compelling desire for completion of                       the work. Passion defines performance enhancing aspects and work enjoyment. When an                          individual is passionate about their occupation they tend to work more resulting in more                           work satisfaction. 

4. Commitment: Commitment means alignment to goals and adherence to ethical principles during the                               activities. One should have the conviction without an iota of doubt that one will                                       succeed. Holding sustained interest and firmness, in whatever ethical means one                                       follows, with the fervent attitude and hope that one will achieve the goals, is                                             commitment. It is the driving force to realize success. This is a basic requirement for                               any profession. The commitment of top management will naturally lead to committed                               employees, whatever may be their position or emoluments. This is bound to add                                       wealth to oneself, one's employer, society, and the nation at large. Target oriented                                     efforts are put to reap efficiency. 

5. Valuing Time: Time is rare resource. Once it is spent, it is lost forever. It cannot be either stored or                                   recovered. Hence, time is the most perishable and most valuable resource too. This                                   resource is continuously spent, whether any decision or action is taken or not. The                                   history of great reformers and innovators has stressed the importance of time and                                     valuing time. The proverbs, "Time and tide wait for nobody and "Procrastination is                                   the thief of time". Time management is the key to increase effectiveness, efficiency                                 or  productivity.

 6. Attitude: It is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or                                        characterizes a person. They are complex and an acquired state through experiences.                                 Attitudes is the most distinctive and indispensable concept in present day. Attitude can be                         formed from a person's past and present. Key topics in the study of attitudes include                                 attitude measurement, attitude change, consumer behavior, and attitude-behavior                                       relationships. Positive attitude people are most successful in their life. One should develop                       such attitude which provides synergy and satisfaction in their day to day life. Positive                               Mental Attitude (PMA) characterizes faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative,                         generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense.

 7. Credibility & Responsibility: The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its                                                                 activities, accept responsibility for the demand to disclose the results                                                         in  a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money                                                         or other entrusted property .

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